Saturday, December 25, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Party!


We had our company (Infosys) christmas party last night and i had a blast! It was held at Dusit Thani Hotel. I had fun with my friends, took a lot of photos of us! I dont have much to say about the program, it was fun specially those two comedians from Zirco and Punchline! They are so funny! And the food.. Hmmm so bounty! So Delicious that I ever tasted!..

I had fun taking picture and the food was festive. The place is so nice... I really loved it, hope to have another party year! If Im still in the company (hehehe).

Well that its, just sharing this one, :)

We had party all night, dancing.. laughing.. so so fun!... I almost lose my energy because I also attended TL's party the night before, whew! im so haggard and had no time to sleep.. But it's ok, i Had fun and that it's worth it!


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Party Party wid my PPS Berkz!

My ever fun, ever happy, ever beloved fRiends! My PPS Barkada! We had fun last night here at HOme! Madoy, Cza, And MC, guys you are the best!!!

More bonding with u guyz!


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Another Day!

Hmmm.. Just came from work. I have to buy something for our Kris kringle later. So hard to buy for our theme later, "something big"!, and take note for 50 pesos! Wooh so hard to find that gift! Well it's ok because He was able to accompany me on finding that gift. I dont know but i feel happy and i feel like im so important today. He gave me reasons to feel that way.

Well enough of "corny" things! hehe just sharing what I did today. Well i got nothing much to say. Im excited for our upcoming christmas party after a week. Hmm I want to buy dress for the party. Still checking where would i find the outfit for that. want something simple yet elegant,, Im just simple when it comes to outfits,, i dont usually go for flattering dresses. Im a little conservative, well it shows (just kidding) :)

Hmm I want positivity, enough of being sad and feeling pity for myself. Well anyway i dont have to feel that way because i know that it is all in the mind! He taught me of that, the key word is POSITIVITY! Well, he is just right... positivity!

Okay, from now on, positivity shall prevail! Weeeh...

Ok, thats all for now,

Jacqui signing off...


I have to sleep,, waaah

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Goodness of Life

Today I feel good about what is happening in our family. I can say we are starting to abound with things that we were only dreaming to have before. Because of the goodness of the Lord. Im jst Thankful and happy because of this precious gift. - couldnt ask for more.

I hope the blessings will continue. Just to see my family happy it would be agreat reward for me. All the hardwork I do is worth doing just to see them happy. I love life.. I love my dear God! :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Im here with my pah, spending the day together...

Got nothing to say, I really really love us being together and having fun.

Im not feeling well today, I have colds and sore throat but I feel better because of him.

Well I got nothing more to say, just sharing! Oh by the way, Ive watched GLEE and I was amazed by Rachell who sang the song "THE ONLY EXCEPTIoN"! I love that song. I really really like it! Gotta watch for more in YOUTUBE! hehe

And I also like "DIRTY DANCING UK", it's cool! The Dancers are Hot! Ive always been fond of reality shows. You know, they are so entertaining to watch! What else?... Hmm, ah! And also TYRA, i love that show, so fun to watch. The topics are all good and informative and sometimes intriguing huh. So fun to watch cause it tackles everything and Tyra is promising also..

Yup, I think that's it, I just shared my fave shows.



bye now!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's Been a While!

Hooooh! it's been a while since i have updated my blog.

Hmmm.. THese past few months I have been busy. We moved in to a new house , twice!

I found peace since then. I mean I dont need to worry at all because in our own house, I am free to do whatever I want to do. But still, I have my mom with me... sometimes a disaster! hehe but i love her.

Im glad that finally we live on our own and we are starting to gain something for our family. I just hope that these would continue not just for now..

I want them to be happy always. Ofcourse I love them, though its not always happy as in very happy.

I also enjoy being with my "Pah".. He is always there for me... We plan for a grand vacation this coming december, hope that it will push through! Well.. I still have a lot of plans.. I want to buy a laptop. Hmm I have to work hard for it! Can just someone give me one?? :)

I just came from work. Im so tired and my back hurts! Just wanted to take a little time to update my blog since its almost months since I wrote here!

Well thats it for today...


See yah!

Jacqui signing off.....

Sunday, July 18, 2010

What Do You Get When You Fall In Love?

They say that love is the greatest feeling a person can ever have. Love is everything. It is the only thing that exist even if everything is gone. Love lives through...

What do we get when we fall in love? Is it always a bliss?.. I know for a fact that it's not all that. In line with that happiness is hurt. The person who loves you the most is the same person that could hurt you the deepest. Why? Why do we get hurt if we are in love? Well my answer is I dont know... Maybe because the feeling is so intense that sometimes, no matter how we try to make him/her happy still there will come to a point that we might hurt each other unintentionally. The feeling is huge that is why the impact is also huge.

We can never tell where will our love will take us. It's so strange how couples end up hating each other in the end knowing that they have gone through years of being together. Love has a big scope. It may bring you to a pedestal of happiness, and sometimes, it may kill you.

I cant say that I am a good lover. I have flaws. I have insecurities, I have so much immaturity in me. I cant say Im grown up. I still need more time to figure whats the real meaning of love for me. Im so judgmental, to the point that I say drastic things unintentionally. Im so impatient. I always demand for everything which is not a good thing, it wont help me either.. Is this what I get because Im in love?... Is this the way to show love to him? But I sense something... and its not good... I think I better change now. I might hurt the person who loves me the most. This is what I get... Im not getting happy... This love is frustrating for both of us. But I do need him, I just dont understand why Im being cruel sometimes.. I dont understand why I feel this way...

Quotes of Sadness...

There's nothing more depressing than having it all and still feeling sad.

Just because her eyes don't tear doesn't mean her heart doesn't cry.
And just because she comes off strong, doesn't mean there's nothing

I'm digging my way to something better. I'm sowing the seeds I take for
granted. This thorn in my side is from the tree I planted. And it tears
me and I bleed..

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Everybody needs inspiration
Everybody needs a song
A beautiful melody
When the night’s so long
Cause there is no guarantee
That this life is easy

Yeah, when my world is falling apart
When there’s no light to break up the dark
That’s when I, I, I look at you
When the waves are flooding the shore and I
Can’t find my way home anymore
That’s when I, I, I look at you

When I look at you
I see forgiveness
I see the truth
You love me for who I am
Like the stars hold the moon
Right there where they belong and I know
I’m not alone

Yeah, when my world is falling apart
When there’s no light to break up the dark
That’s when I, I, I look at you
When the waves are flooding the shore and I
Can’t find my way home anymore
That’s when I, I, I look at you

You, appear, just like a dream to me
Just like cyledoscope colors that
Cover me
All I need
Every breath, that I breathe
Dontcha know?
Your beautiful

Yeah yeah..

When the waves are flooding the shore
And I cant find my way home anymore
Thats when I,
I I look at you
I look at you

Yeah yeah..
Oh oh..
You appear just like a dream to me..

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

"Make failure your teacher, not your undertaker."

This saying made me realize that there is no other greater teacher than experience. What I am experiencing right now is all new to me. It's like a roller coaster ride. There were times of ups and downs. But however long the ride, I could still find fun and excitement. Though I know it is not a great ride I still would want to try it. Because this is what life is all about-- taking risk, taking chances.

I would like to run my life the way I want it to be. I have expectations, I have insecurities, and I have everything that every single person would have wished to achieve... I cant make things in rush. But I have guts to do it from the start. I don't care if I might fall at times because I know from that I can still stand up and be proud. I still need to learn, because the more I know new things the more I realize that i still have many things to know about.

Ignorance is not an excuse. The more we don't know the more we become frustrated. The same as the more we try to give our best, the more we become eager to achieve something. Life is not that easy. All is a trial and error. Our will should always be our main armor for us to achieve what we really want. We only have short life to live, why not try everything and make life more meaningful?...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

New Journey

I just got started from work. Im so excited because this is my first time for this kind of industry. Before, I thought working in a BPO company is kinda degrading for a 4-year course like mine. But I realized it's not what others think about it. I find the job interesting and fun. I kinda like it. There's nothing wrong working in here, because I think that this kind of job is challenging and it takes a lot of responsibility as well as intellectual ability. It's not easy to perform a task that needs a combination of excellent skills and knowledge. I also like the spirit of team work and camaraderie among us. This job boosted my self-esteem and took me to a much responsible person. Because of this, I was able to overcome my shyness and awkwardness in meeting people and deal with them. Im looking forward for a growth here, of course I want to see my self growing personally and professionally in my position. I also hope to gain more skills and knowledge through this. Just want to try something that would make me feel happy, complacent, and secured, and i do think I could find it here. --- huha

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

For You, on our first anniversary

To my Hanz:

WE are on our first year of being together... I'm so happy and delightful knowing that at last there is something in my life that I am so proud about. You've given me all the reasons to smile all day, and reasons for me to live another day of my life. I'm just happy and contented...

I cant really recall how it all started, all I know is that when I met you again last year I have this feeling that you will be the one that I need-- to have and to hold. If Im going to tell you my reasons for loving you I think this entire blog space is not enough to describe it. But I have to say, you are really an amazing person, you are wonderful. You are really persistent ever since the time when you start courting me and get closed with me. I saw the sincerity in you. The look in your eyes tells me everything. I couldn't ask for something more. You're always there for me in all phases of my life. I will never forget how you did all the efforts during the time of my sickness and trials. You are so patient always. You never left me until I get recovered from it. If not for you I dont think I could ever survived. Thank you so much pah.. I really appreciate all your love and concerns. I maybe not the perfect or the nicest girl on earth but i want to assure you of the love and loyalty that you have always dreaming for a girl. You don't deserve to be left alone. Because I know that you are really kind and loving person. I saw that in you...

Im so in love with you and I cant stop loving you because you are my everything. Now, we are on our first step for our journey of love, I just want you to know that you have my heart. Keep it, hold it, and never let it go... I cant promise you of everything , cause I think promises are made to be broken, but I will do my best effort to make this relationship work from now until forever. Let's work hand in hand to achieve our dreams pah, I know that you really want to marry me as you've always telling me. I know I have a future in you, we just have to wait for God's perfect time.

Thank you for everything pah, and Im sorry If there are times that I made you feel sad. You know me well and I know that in your eyes Im always perfect and beautiful. Thank you so much... I love you, happy 1st anniversary! --- mwuah!

With love:
Your Jacqui,, :)

Silver Lining...

I cant explain what am I feeling right now. Im so overwhelmed with what God has brought me. Finally at this point in time I feel so alive. I have so much hope and faith within me. I have so much pride and love and happiness. Because finally I did something that made my life more complete..

If not because of Him maybe I would be nothing. My only strength and my only hope has never left me-- my Lord. I have proved that there is always time for everything. We just have to believe in Him. Just be patient and never surrender. I was impatient before, when things go wrong I have this feeling of doubt and uncertainty. But with much prayers and belief I have overcome all those fears and worries in me. Im so thankful and blessed. I just cant believe that it is all happening to me. A new window had open. I see clouds and there's silver lining... :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I Love to LOve

I love to love because it is free... I love to wake up each morning and think of only him... I love the way he says " i miss u" because I feel being appreciated... I'd still choose to love even if would take the risk of being hurt at the end...

For just a simple reason-- love will keep us alive!


Sunday, March 7, 2010

My Sunshine

Ain't no sunshine if You're not around. Perhaps this life would turn into mess.. You brought happiness into my life, and everything just turned out right...

Sometimes I feel so unsure of myself, but you're always there to understand me. I don't know if I can make it on my own without you steering me to a place called 'happiness'. There are times my faith is shaking, but you're always giving me strength to keep on. Everyday is a bliss; everyday is a hope...

I may be imperfect, but to you Im always perfect. You always make me feel that Im special, and I cant remember a single moment that you'd let me down. For that alone I want to thank you. You had given me so much of everything-- everything that even in my wildest dream I could not expect to feel. Im just blessed to have you. You are everything to me. I couldn't ask for anything more, because you are just right for me. This love is for real; This love is so true, and I couldn't think that I could live without you.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

my HANZ -- singing his heart out!

Me and my Hanz were hanging out this day. We went to Timezone and sang our heart out in videoke! We enjoy doing this every time we have time for leisure and fun. I remembered him singing "Say that you love me" and he was so cute singing that song! Apparently, this video is kinda blurred but I still love posting this and broadcast this to people! hehehe By the way, my favorite song that I love him singing is "Ordinary song" by Marc Velasco because his voice suits that song, and he told me that it's his song for me... I just love it!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Chasing Time

Time is ticking so fast and it chases me. I have nowhere to go but a place of my own. I might go astray if I couldn't find a way out. It feels like being trapped in my own cage-- with nowhere to go, with nowhere to hide.

This life is deceiving and I don't know why. Why am I being cruel in my own paradise? Why darkness consumes my hopes and dreams? Why do I always query myself? Is there a reason? For whatever it is does it really matter? If I try to shout would anyone care to listen?... If all else fails I would still left here. No matter what I do; I wont be able to recant the things that has been gone. And now I'm in great remorse. If I had just done better, perhaps today I could stand and be proud. What I have now is nothing but scanty hope-- a hope that this time I wish I could do it much better; that this time I could stand on my own, and not in a hurry chasing the time; because at this point, time will not impede my plans for I have much of it.

How I wish I could make my life easier. How I wish I could do the things I want to do-- without hesitations and fears, that I could decide and stand for it and never regret for whatever outcome it would be. I want to live in positivity, to dispel all the worries in my head which always drags me to failure. This time I would like to enliven my whole being that has been through darkness for a long period of time. I don't wanna accustom my life to live in sadness because I know it wont help me to propel myself for success. Time is very precious. why should I waste it? This time I want to make a change. I will make it easier-- even better.

They say that we can always bring back the love that has been gone; and recant the words that has been said; but we can never bring back the time that has been wasted...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Dilemma

Does he deserves this? The treatment that I always give him. Maybe he couldn't merely understand why I give it. Maybe he wonders why it have to be always that way. Maybe he would asked himself if he has done wrong. Maybe this time he feels that he is not good enough. Maybe he is so sad...

If only I can make things easier, then there is no reason to feel weary. But I just cant help myself to keep coming back from my old self. The person that I tried to forget about. I know he is suffering from it; I know he is just trying to understand me. How will I tell him that there is nothing to worry about, its just me and my self liked destruction. I appreciate the good things and efforts that he always do to me, I guess he thinks he is not doing enough. But one thing is for sure, yes i love him. I love him with all my heart. I love him even if he thinks he cant give the world to me. I'm just being rude this time, a selfish one. But I know that I would be still needing him no matter what, because he is my cure, my strength, my wings. I know by doing this to him I just have hurt his feelings. Maybe someday he will get tired of all of this. Maybe he would surrender when he felt so tired of my drama. I dread of it, but I cant blame it all to him because he had done nothing wrong. If that happens then I wouldn't forgive myself for doing such foolish things. Maybe its the end of the world for me.

Monday, February 1, 2010

It's Love Month!

It's love month! Everyone is excited about it. It's the time of the year were people roam around malls or go clubbing or anywhere else, to celebrate it with their loved ones or for those singles- the perfect time for them to haunt or to meet others to look for a potential partner. Indeed, this is the time of the year where everyone is so busy.

Im also excited for it, because its my first time to celebrate it with my Hanz. But I dont know how will I spend it with him. Well Im still clueless but Im excited that I will be able to celebrate it this year with the one so special to me. I love being with him, he has a lot of surprises, even those simple and petty ones. For whatever this celebration would turn out, there is no doubt that I would definitely enjoy it with him. Huuhaaa

Thursday, January 28, 2010

God Bless The Broken Road

The best lyrics Ive ever heard...

I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you

Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

I think about the years I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true

Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

Now I'm just rollin' home into my lover's arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It's Getting Colder

It's getting colder and I dont know why... this is the moment where I couldnt feel myself that much. Yes life gets tough each day that I live, but its getting tougher because I couldnt breathe...

How can I vindicate myself from this kind of depression?,My only hope for moving forward which I try to achieve has diminished by her words.. Those words left me so lost, its killing, yes its killing.
It felt like a hole in my chest, I feel empty this time. Its drastic, yes drastic, and I couldnt complain about it. But what is it that I must complain? Do I have the right anyway? I know its drastic but I know its life's game, and If I let it eat up my whole being then there's no more left a piece of me. I dont wanna ruin everything. I still have my own way to run my life alone, without somebody who will tell me the things I want to do. But Im still lost, one wrong move would lead me to depression. At the end of the day I would still be calling someone, to seek help and support, to give guidance and encouraging words. Well I guess this is really part of life. There's ups and downs, maybe you are a hit or a miss. I keep coming back to reality, and this is my now. Oh this is what I hate about life, its so unpredictable. I cant hardly understand why things are going this way. Its kind of cruel, its kind of weird. How would I relate? or should I say, how would I escape?

Its still getting colder... hmmm... where's my coat?

Monday, January 25, 2010

One Last Chance

Love is lovelier the second time around... That's what Ive thought if I would relate our love story. Its actually our second chance to be together again. When we first met, I was not really into relationships, I mean Im not interested in dating and having relationship or romance. Our first meeting was casual. I know we were classmates in elementary and prep school. I never thought that the man that I neglected and ignored that time would be the same man that I'd choose to be with for the rest of my life...

During that time he tried to win my heart but I was not ready for commitments for I was focused on my studies. We got along way and we tried to be good friends, but I was not really ready that time. So sad to say, unintentionally.. I broke his heart. The feeling was not that intensed before, I could possibly liked him if I wasn't that much focused on studies. So Ive thought if its really meant to be for us to be together, then God will find a way to make it happen.

Three years had passed when fate came in, we got to see each other again and this time we were both ready for a new chance of love. Both of us were just came from unsuccessful relationships. We became good friends again, and almost everyday we've got to update each other. One night he got the courage to invite me to go to mass. I dont know, I dont usually entertain invitations but that time I said yes to him. Needless to say, that was the beginning of our love. When we first saw each other there was an instant attraction between us. He made lots of effort just to win my heart again. Each passing day that we're hanging out I discovered the goodness in him. He was not just a man of effort but a man with full passion and love. I was really amazed when the time that I was sick and got hospitalized. He was there for me and never left me. He sacrificed everyting even his focus in his board exam review just for me. He was just amazingly wonderful. He always make me feel that Im the first priority in his life. And for that I truly salute him, not just for his kindness but all in all. His love and effort and everything.

He taught me of everything because of his great love for me, it made me fall over and over again on him.. The last chance that I could ever felt for in my entire life...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Who am I?

who am I?

I am Jacquilyn Rose Masalig, my friends call me Jacqui. As a person, i can say that im kinda crazy, i have humor, as my friends always tell me, "masungit" sometimes, negative always, musically-inclined, and an emotional person. What I love about myself is that I know that i can be me in front of the person i love. No pretentions. Im not perfect but I can be perfect for someone who is worth my love. I can be nice if youre nice and I can be evil if you make me mad. But Im proud tosay that everytime that I do something, I think and act morally because I believe that living in this wolrd is not just about living for yourself... but for our Lord above. All that we have and gained in our lives is nothing without devoting it to Him.

Im hopeless romantic, before I met my love (my Hanz..) Im always dreaming of a perfect relationship, That there is someone and only for me who will love me faithfully and stand by me till the end. But when I got to experience my first heart break i didnt know that love would be so cruel. I never knew that love would be so harmful and devastating, that"s what I've thought till I met Hanz. My one and great love.

He is all I ever wanted. He gave me all the love that I never thought I could ever find in this world. He is just amazingly wonderful. I am truly blessed by his coming. and Now I am believing that TRUE love is real, just believe and have faith. Though its too early to conclude, I have a great feeling about this new found love. I cant ever let go of this because it's God who made a way for us to meet again to show to the world how love brought us here... Love you so much pah!