Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's Been a While!

Hooooh! it's been a while since i have updated my blog.

Hmmm.. THese past few months I have been busy. We moved in to a new house , twice!

I found peace since then. I mean I dont need to worry at all because in our own house, I am free to do whatever I want to do. But still, I have my mom with me... sometimes a disaster! hehe but i love her.

Im glad that finally we live on our own and we are starting to gain something for our family. I just hope that these would continue not just for now..

I want them to be happy always. Ofcourse I love them, though its not always happy as in very happy.

I also enjoy being with my "Pah".. He is always there for me... We plan for a grand vacation this coming december, hope that it will push through! Well.. I still have a lot of plans.. I want to buy a laptop. Hmm I have to work hard for it! Can just someone give me one?? :)

I just came from work. Im so tired and my back hurts! Just wanted to take a little time to update my blog since its almost months since I wrote here!

Well thats it for today...


See yah!

Jacqui signing off.....

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