Monday, January 25, 2010

One Last Chance

Love is lovelier the second time around... That's what Ive thought if I would relate our love story. Its actually our second chance to be together again. When we first met, I was not really into relationships, I mean Im not interested in dating and having relationship or romance. Our first meeting was casual. I know we were classmates in elementary and prep school. I never thought that the man that I neglected and ignored that time would be the same man that I'd choose to be with for the rest of my life...

During that time he tried to win my heart but I was not ready for commitments for I was focused on my studies. We got along way and we tried to be good friends, but I was not really ready that time. So sad to say, unintentionally.. I broke his heart. The feeling was not that intensed before, I could possibly liked him if I wasn't that much focused on studies. So Ive thought if its really meant to be for us to be together, then God will find a way to make it happen.

Three years had passed when fate came in, we got to see each other again and this time we were both ready for a new chance of love. Both of us were just came from unsuccessful relationships. We became good friends again, and almost everyday we've got to update each other. One night he got the courage to invite me to go to mass. I dont know, I dont usually entertain invitations but that time I said yes to him. Needless to say, that was the beginning of our love. When we first saw each other there was an instant attraction between us. He made lots of effort just to win my heart again. Each passing day that we're hanging out I discovered the goodness in him. He was not just a man of effort but a man with full passion and love. I was really amazed when the time that I was sick and got hospitalized. He was there for me and never left me. He sacrificed everyting even his focus in his board exam review just for me. He was just amazingly wonderful. He always make me feel that Im the first priority in his life. And for that I truly salute him, not just for his kindness but all in all. His love and effort and everything.

He taught me of everything because of his great love for me, it made me fall over and over again on him.. The last chance that I could ever felt for in my entire life...

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