Thursday, January 21, 2010

Who am I?

who am I?

I am Jacquilyn Rose Masalig, my friends call me Jacqui. As a person, i can say that im kinda crazy, i have humor, as my friends always tell me, "masungit" sometimes, negative always, musically-inclined, and an emotional person. What I love about myself is that I know that i can be me in front of the person i love. No pretentions. Im not perfect but I can be perfect for someone who is worth my love. I can be nice if youre nice and I can be evil if you make me mad. But Im proud tosay that everytime that I do something, I think and act morally because I believe that living in this wolrd is not just about living for yourself... but for our Lord above. All that we have and gained in our lives is nothing without devoting it to Him.

Im hopeless romantic, before I met my love (my Hanz..) Im always dreaming of a perfect relationship, That there is someone and only for me who will love me faithfully and stand by me till the end. But when I got to experience my first heart break i didnt know that love would be so cruel. I never knew that love would be so harmful and devastating, that"s what I've thought till I met Hanz. My one and great love.

He is all I ever wanted. He gave me all the love that I never thought I could ever find in this world. He is just amazingly wonderful. I am truly blessed by his coming. and Now I am believing that TRUE love is real, just believe and have faith. Though its too early to conclude, I have a great feeling about this new found love. I cant ever let go of this because it's God who made a way for us to meet again to show to the world how love brought us here... Love you so much pah!

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