Saturday, May 1, 2010

New Journey

I just got started from work. Im so excited because this is my first time for this kind of industry. Before, I thought working in a BPO company is kinda degrading for a 4-year course like mine. But I realized it's not what others think about it. I find the job interesting and fun. I kinda like it. There's nothing wrong working in here, because I think that this kind of job is challenging and it takes a lot of responsibility as well as intellectual ability. It's not easy to perform a task that needs a combination of excellent skills and knowledge. I also like the spirit of team work and camaraderie among us. This job boosted my self-esteem and took me to a much responsible person. Because of this, I was able to overcome my shyness and awkwardness in meeting people and deal with them. Im looking forward for a growth here, of course I want to see my self growing personally and professionally in my position. I also hope to gain more skills and knowledge through this. Just want to try something that would make me feel happy, complacent, and secured, and i do think I could find it here. --- huha

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