Sunday, July 18, 2010

What Do You Get When You Fall In Love?

They say that love is the greatest feeling a person can ever have. Love is everything. It is the only thing that exist even if everything is gone. Love lives through...

What do we get when we fall in love? Is it always a bliss?.. I know for a fact that it's not all that. In line with that happiness is hurt. The person who loves you the most is the same person that could hurt you the deepest. Why? Why do we get hurt if we are in love? Well my answer is I dont know... Maybe because the feeling is so intense that sometimes, no matter how we try to make him/her happy still there will come to a point that we might hurt each other unintentionally. The feeling is huge that is why the impact is also huge.

We can never tell where will our love will take us. It's so strange how couples end up hating each other in the end knowing that they have gone through years of being together. Love has a big scope. It may bring you to a pedestal of happiness, and sometimes, it may kill you.

I cant say that I am a good lover. I have flaws. I have insecurities, I have so much immaturity in me. I cant say Im grown up. I still need more time to figure whats the real meaning of love for me. Im so judgmental, to the point that I say drastic things unintentionally. Im so impatient. I always demand for everything which is not a good thing, it wont help me either.. Is this what I get because Im in love?... Is this the way to show love to him? But I sense something... and its not good... I think I better change now. I might hurt the person who loves me the most. This is what I get... Im not getting happy... This love is frustrating for both of us. But I do need him, I just dont understand why Im being cruel sometimes.. I dont understand why I feel this way...

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