Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Chasing Time

Time is ticking so fast and it chases me. I have nowhere to go but a place of my own. I might go astray if I couldn't find a way out. It feels like being trapped in my own cage-- with nowhere to go, with nowhere to hide.

This life is deceiving and I don't know why. Why am I being cruel in my own paradise? Why darkness consumes my hopes and dreams? Why do I always query myself? Is there a reason? For whatever it is does it really matter? If I try to shout would anyone care to listen?... If all else fails I would still left here. No matter what I do; I wont be able to recant the things that has been gone. And now I'm in great remorse. If I had just done better, perhaps today I could stand and be proud. What I have now is nothing but scanty hope-- a hope that this time I wish I could do it much better; that this time I could stand on my own, and not in a hurry chasing the time; because at this point, time will not impede my plans for I have much of it.

How I wish I could make my life easier. How I wish I could do the things I want to do-- without hesitations and fears, that I could decide and stand for it and never regret for whatever outcome it would be. I want to live in positivity, to dispel all the worries in my head which always drags me to failure. This time I would like to enliven my whole being that has been through darkness for a long period of time. I don't wanna accustom my life to live in sadness because I know it wont help me to propel myself for success. Time is very precious. why should I waste it? This time I want to make a change. I will make it easier-- even better.

They say that we can always bring back the love that has been gone; and recant the words that has been said; but we can never bring back the time that has been wasted...

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