Monday, November 5, 2012

I'm Getting Married!

Hi bloggers! its been a while since my last post here. Well, I've been busy these days. I got new job now and I'm about to be regular this month! I'm happy with my new job. It's just crazy and so friendly culture there. Anyways, as you can see, my post title 'im getting married'. Yah its true! hehe..

We're planning to get married by December. And we're planning for just a simple civil wedding. I know that it's kinda early I guess.. but I think I'm ready to face this new chapter in my life, with the one I truly love ( naks) :)

I admit that I'm quiet stressed-out because I dont know, I'm just kinda worried if all will end up good ( i mean the ceremony and reception thing!) :) I'm excited to plan our simple wedding. Hope that it will go well. We already processing our requirements for the wedding. We will just have the civil ceremony in Taguig City Hall. And yesterday, we just went there, and we have to attend first the family planning seminar and that is on Thursday. So I guess, once that is done we're going to submit our other requirements.

For the reception, my mom told me that she wanted it to be held on their house. Which is actually quiet not that spacious so that is one thing that Im worried about. So I guess I have to limit the number of my guests since we have only a small venue. I just want to have some simple and small gathering. Music, singing, food, and of course just family and friends enjoying our party! Well I just hope that everything will turn out to be well. I'm happy and excited but also worried, but I think its going to be a good one. I'm super excited! I wanted to start making my own family and getting married is the first step in achieving that! :)

Till then :)


Friday, June 8, 2012

at MOA with my Family

My treat for my family yesterday for my ate and nephew's despedida. They will fly back to states this Sunday. We went to mall of Asia and bond all day! Aiden got scared with the clown man. ha ha Its so funny! And then we ate at a seafood resto at the seaside. I must say the food was all good! I super loved the shrimps!

Picture picture!


the cuteez!

more fun fun fun!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

New Pals, New work, New Beginnings...

My new friends in my new work! I must say, we get along so well. They are all nice and just fun to be with. Im lucky for this new job cause I met a lot of good people. Im enjoying so far!





Saturday, May 26, 2012

Malling with my Family

Today we went to the mall with my family. Probably it would take a long time for us to do this again since my sister and her son Aiden will be leaving soon to U.S. So as always, we took pictures, with different poses everywhere! Here are some of the photos: ^-^

My nephew is so cute.... isnt he? Im gonna miss him for sure! Well so thats it for today. Spend time with your family as much as you can cause its fun. And for me nothing beats family bonding! No matter what, we should always stick to our family. :))

Thursday, May 24, 2012

New Journey

Yesterday, I attended my orientation in my new company. A new opportunity for me has opened. And I'm so glad. I thought that I would never make it coz I was worried about something in my life. But with God's grace, I was able to surpass it.

I'm starting to like it there. Everyone is just so nice. Its too good to be true I guess.. I prayed for an opportunity to not give me so much of stress, so I hope this one is the answered prayer. Im quiet happy about it. And I am excited to work again ( after 2 months of bumming! lol) So it feels great knowing that this time I am productive again, hahaha.

Well orientation is a good thing coz everything is discussed about, like salary, events, benefits and etc. But one thing I dont like about it is that its boring... Wew,, but its all good. At least I have something to do than not doing at all in a whole day. I like the people there. They are so welcoming. And I've met of new friends too!

I was just worried of something, but I need to move forward, and so enough of worries and negative thoughts! I will just do my best this time. And oh, I almost forgot, my shift is so early! Its 6 in the morning! Hmmmm, Its good cause its dayshift this time not unlike before I was in graveyard shift, and its terrible! But now Im quiet happy about it. And guess what? our trainer for next week is an Australian! Yahoo super nose bleed! Lol... I dont know but I think It would be fun and scary at the same time so good luck to me! Awwww!

So there, I hope everything will be fine for the next years of my career. Its not hard to work and get busy, but the most difficult part is to maintain it, to be stable and to see the outcome of your hard work! Right?

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Need to Move!

Been busy these past few days. Its time for job hunting! I don't really wanna rush, but I'm getting bored staying in the house. Anyways, I have something to share. I applied for a job yesterday and it was quiet tiring. It took 4 hours to finish the entire application "thing". To tell you honestly pals, It felt like it was the first time again! Of course I got nervous, hahaha. This time I am more choosy on the job position I want to have. I go for non-voice account this time and hopefully - for day shift! I got tired of working on graveyard shift and I think that non-voice account is less stressful and has less pressure. And so, hopefully I'll get the job. I am not looking for a big salary actually, not that much. I wanted to have a job that has normal schedule this time and will have more time to spend with my family. So I applied somewhere in Mckinley hill. I found a job posting on the net its a non-voice account and day shift. Seems perfect for what I am really looking for! I arrived there early, around 9 AM. I was not familiar with the place so I took a cab hahaha. Thank God the cab driver was too nice to me. The place compared to my previous company is smaller but the ambiance is lighter, its pink! Its really feminine I wonder why, hahaha. So there's a lot of applicants that time, and I was thinking that I would get lesser chance of getting the job cause they have only 15 slots for the position. But anyway, its better to try than not trying at all! So I took the online exam, which was quiet difficult, and yes time pressure! hahaha. Yet I still managed to pass it and made through the first and final interview. They said that they are not 1 day process hiring and so the manager who last interviewed us told us to wait for the result after two weeks. I am hoping to get the job cause its just near my location and I like the shift and the account. And so that's it. At least I've tried. And after that I felt relieved and I am planning to apply again if I won't get the call after 2 weeks ( crossing my finger! ) And so there you go pals... Applying for a job is not an easy thing. But Its an experience and nowadays everybody needs to have one because of the cost of living today, right? Everything just increases only salary don't! Lol. And oh... Next week is my birthday! I'm excited? Maybe, hahaha. Ah yes I have to be excited because my sister and Amboy nephew is here! there you go, till my next post pals! X.o.x.o ~ Jacqui

Monday, April 23, 2012

Our Trip to Majayjay Falls ( 3rd anniversary special)

Last Friday we went to Majayjay falls to celebrate our 3rd anniversary. Originally our plan was to go to Puerto Galera but due to "budget" reasons, we seek for an alternative place where we can both enjoy and celebrate but at the same time would not cost us that much. So we've thought of going to Laguna at Taytay Falls or Majayjay falls.

I never thought that the location was far, we were surprised because it took us about 4 hours to get there! But anyway we still enjoyed the ride. We had just commute via bus to go there. We took 1 bus ride and then 2 jeepneys and a tricycle. It was quiet tiring because of the long ride, but when we finally arrived to the place, it was worth it!

So after the deadly ride via tricycle ( from Majayjay proper, the road is scary cause its ups and downs, zig zag, and steep!). The paid 20 pesos for the entrance fee and 250 pesos for the rent of tent. So it only cost us 290 pesos to experience the entire place! Suit for the budget! hahaha ( the fare is more expensive!)

So we have to walk for about 5-10 minutes to go to the Falls itself. The view was excellent, its our first time to experience that kind of adventure! Its my first time to see and experience exploring the forest! I really liked it! The place is calm, I can hear the chirping of the birds, the noise of flowing water, its superb! I really enjoyed it. And the water is crystal clear! Amazing! :)

So it was not a surprised that the water is so cold! As in its freezing! I got scared to dive in cause it was cold. Finally I experienced to enjoy the water though its freakin' cold! Its so clear... there are rocks deep down, big and small ones. I could not swim because I got scared of the rocks! hahaha.. I was contented to just feel the water, its really freezing but its so refreshing! So pure and I tasted it, it taste good! :)

We have fried chicken and hotdogs for our "baon" and some drinks. We soaked in the bottled soda on the water to make it cold. haha. We enjoyed the day, swimming and exploring the place. There's also Statue of Mama Mary and Saints there if you want to have a quiet time to pray and reflect.

Of course, we can't go home without buying souvenirs, so we bought this personalized keychains for our souvenir in the place.

Over all the place is nice, calm, and refreshing! Perfect to explore this summer and perfect for us to celebrate our 3rd anniversary! You must try it bloggers! :)

We are planning to have more adventure so I hope next time we can go to Puerto Galera cause we really want to go there! So thats it! Happiness! :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012

One Sweet Day @ Ocean Park

These past few days had been rough to us. We haven't seen each other for a couple of days. His dilemma with his family and my own personal drama made it harder for us to see each other and now we are working things out to erase all of those... I thank him for being so understanding to me. We finally realized that we need to do some things that will forget those worries and bad memories and yes we are doing it now! And so earlier we went to Manila Ocean Park to unwind and throw that stress away! I was so glad to go with him and it really helped a lot! It was so relaxing to see those fishes, jellies, sea lions, and other sea creatures. It was a whole day fun and activity for us there. I love the Sea Lion show, those are so adorable! And I will never forget the Snow Village! With a -5 degree cold, damn we are frozen to death! hahaha. I hate myself for wearing shorts and then entering to that FREEZING village! LOL. But anyways though we are freezing, we still managed to take a lot of pictures- our best memories! I was happy. :)

And then also I love the OCEANARIUM. All sea creatures are there- different fishes from largest to smallest! And it was also my first time to see a snake, an owl and a crocodile right there in front of me! What else? those dancing jellies are really colorful and so adorable! Ohh but there is one thing i don't enjoyed that much- the FISH SPA! For me those fishes were a bit bigger than the usual fish spa's I've seen like there in Star City. I expected that fishes on that spa is so tiny that it will just tickle my feet, But uh oh they are bigger and scarier for me! And sadly, I didn't enjoyed that much! :(

And for the finale, the FOUNTAIN MUSICAL SHOW! So fantastic! I saw Nemo and the rest of the cast on that screen (being the water as projector/background) That was amazing! Too bad our Cam got empty batt so I only used my CP to video the fabulous fountain show.

With all that fun and so relaxing event we've been through today, I felt relieved and stress-free even for just a day. It helped. And I'm thankful for this memorable day. :)



Sunday, January 8, 2012

2012 Target: Save and Save!

Yeah its 2012. And I know that its a fad to have a new year's resolution, but for me its not a resolution rather a Will and Plan for me to change and start the year. I'm thinking of saving ( I mean SAVING more!). So indeed, I am trying my very best to make it happen. But how? that is the big question. Well I know that my salary is a big help for me to save but that is just not enough. That is why I'm planning to expand or venture to a new business. I'm already a direct seller ( and I'm enjoying it! ). But I want more. I don't know. I am just DRIVEN now. I need it, not just for me but for my family. They are just so important to me. Its my frustration. We all know that our job is not for a lifetime, no one can ever guess if they would still be an employee or a business owner for a lifetime. So when I have the chance to experience it right now, the best thing that I can reap all of it is to SAVE right?

I'm starting to get some ideas on the internet. Reading blogs or articles about business success. I've read one article on the internet where one entrepreneur who's owning a dumpling store, uses social media and suddenly his business boomed. I got inspired and I want to do the same. Based on what I saw, that entrepreneur is so motivated. I can sense him. He is very positive yet the way he sees his business is that is fun. I wish that I can have that thinking too. Well to tell you honestly one part of me that I hate about is negativity! I just hate it. Most of the time I doubted myself for anything that is happening to me. You know, I am just scared I guess, I know its just normal but it won't help me right? Not just in business but in other aspects of my life. Negativity.. that will always kills us. And unfortunately it stays on me! Oh my gosh! Uggghhhh! Hate it. But I guess I have to change it now. I cannot progress if I will continue to stay that way. It will always kill me. And I don't want that to ruin my plans and goals in life. Uh oh! so easy to say but so hard to do! Well, enough of it.. I will just do it, and give it my best shot! Well good luck to me!



Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year with a Bang! Boom! :D

Yeah here comes 2012! I wonder what's in store for us this year... Hmmm.. I'm not sure yet but what is I'm certain about is that I enjoyed my 2011... why? Because the previous year is a wonderful year for me. My relationship with my family was tighter and we bonded often- the first time in my entire life that we got bonded this much. I thank GOd for all the blessings, that means Job! :) I had a wonderful moments with them, my friends (PPS is the best!) and of course had a precious time with my love.

2011 also opened an opportunity for me to venture into business. I'm a business woman! hahaha. I like it. I am enjoying the part of me being a business woman (that is what is I am supposed to be cause i'm a Business Management graduate! hahaha). Well this year, I'm planning to save and save so that means I have to be more hardworking, more productive! I want to extend and expand my mini business. So I am starting to plan at this very point how to do it. I know it would be tedious. Its ok, I'm ready for it - bring it on! Hahaha

Well, what else is I am supposed to do this year?.. Hmmmm.. yah definitely be more closer to God. I promise myself that I have to be more closer to God, that means I have to do good not just for me and my family but for others. Stop being selfish and be more concerned about others. Live a life which is according to his will not just for my own sake. I think that, that should we all have this year. I know that all this wonderful blessings I am enjoying now is all because of Him. So this is the right time to thank Him and be his servant. I am happy and that is because of our dear Lord who's been protecting and guiding me through the right path. So Jacqui, please be good this year! :)

So that would be it. I don't want to make promises I will just do it. And I am looking forward for a wonderful more years... I hope to be happier and luckier this year! So welcome year 2012! Booom! hahaha