Monday, April 23, 2012

Our Trip to Majayjay Falls ( 3rd anniversary special)

Last Friday we went to Majayjay falls to celebrate our 3rd anniversary. Originally our plan was to go to Puerto Galera but due to "budget" reasons, we seek for an alternative place where we can both enjoy and celebrate but at the same time would not cost us that much. So we've thought of going to Laguna at Taytay Falls or Majayjay falls.

I never thought that the location was far, we were surprised because it took us about 4 hours to get there! But anyway we still enjoyed the ride. We had just commute via bus to go there. We took 1 bus ride and then 2 jeepneys and a tricycle. It was quiet tiring because of the long ride, but when we finally arrived to the place, it was worth it!

So after the deadly ride via tricycle ( from Majayjay proper, the road is scary cause its ups and downs, zig zag, and steep!). The paid 20 pesos for the entrance fee and 250 pesos for the rent of tent. So it only cost us 290 pesos to experience the entire place! Suit for the budget! hahaha ( the fare is more expensive!)

So we have to walk for about 5-10 minutes to go to the Falls itself. The view was excellent, its our first time to experience that kind of adventure! Its my first time to see and experience exploring the forest! I really liked it! The place is calm, I can hear the chirping of the birds, the noise of flowing water, its superb! I really enjoyed it. And the water is crystal clear! Amazing! :)

So it was not a surprised that the water is so cold! As in its freezing! I got scared to dive in cause it was cold. Finally I experienced to enjoy the water though its freakin' cold! Its so clear... there are rocks deep down, big and small ones. I could not swim because I got scared of the rocks! hahaha.. I was contented to just feel the water, its really freezing but its so refreshing! So pure and I tasted it, it taste good! :)

We have fried chicken and hotdogs for our "baon" and some drinks. We soaked in the bottled soda on the water to make it cold. haha. We enjoyed the day, swimming and exploring the place. There's also Statue of Mama Mary and Saints there if you want to have a quiet time to pray and reflect.

Of course, we can't go home without buying souvenirs, so we bought this personalized keychains for our souvenir in the place.

Over all the place is nice, calm, and refreshing! Perfect to explore this summer and perfect for us to celebrate our 3rd anniversary! You must try it bloggers! :)

We are planning to have more adventure so I hope next time we can go to Puerto Galera cause we really want to go there! So thats it! Happiness! :)

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