Saturday, May 5, 2012

Need to Move!

Been busy these past few days. Its time for job hunting! I don't really wanna rush, but I'm getting bored staying in the house. Anyways, I have something to share. I applied for a job yesterday and it was quiet tiring. It took 4 hours to finish the entire application "thing". To tell you honestly pals, It felt like it was the first time again! Of course I got nervous, hahaha. This time I am more choosy on the job position I want to have. I go for non-voice account this time and hopefully - for day shift! I got tired of working on graveyard shift and I think that non-voice account is less stressful and has less pressure. And so, hopefully I'll get the job. I am not looking for a big salary actually, not that much. I wanted to have a job that has normal schedule this time and will have more time to spend with my family. So I applied somewhere in Mckinley hill. I found a job posting on the net its a non-voice account and day shift. Seems perfect for what I am really looking for! I arrived there early, around 9 AM. I was not familiar with the place so I took a cab hahaha. Thank God the cab driver was too nice to me. The place compared to my previous company is smaller but the ambiance is lighter, its pink! Its really feminine I wonder why, hahaha. So there's a lot of applicants that time, and I was thinking that I would get lesser chance of getting the job cause they have only 15 slots for the position. But anyway, its better to try than not trying at all! So I took the online exam, which was quiet difficult, and yes time pressure! hahaha. Yet I still managed to pass it and made through the first and final interview. They said that they are not 1 day process hiring and so the manager who last interviewed us told us to wait for the result after two weeks. I am hoping to get the job cause its just near my location and I like the shift and the account. And so that's it. At least I've tried. And after that I felt relieved and I am planning to apply again if I won't get the call after 2 weeks ( crossing my finger! ) And so there you go pals... Applying for a job is not an easy thing. But Its an experience and nowadays everybody needs to have one because of the cost of living today, right? Everything just increases only salary don't! Lol. And oh... Next week is my birthday! I'm excited? Maybe, hahaha. Ah yes I have to be excited because my sister and Amboy nephew is here! there you go, till my next post pals! X.o.x.o ~ Jacqui

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