Thursday, May 24, 2012

New Journey

Yesterday, I attended my orientation in my new company. A new opportunity for me has opened. And I'm so glad. I thought that I would never make it coz I was worried about something in my life. But with God's grace, I was able to surpass it.

I'm starting to like it there. Everyone is just so nice. Its too good to be true I guess.. I prayed for an opportunity to not give me so much of stress, so I hope this one is the answered prayer. Im quiet happy about it. And I am excited to work again ( after 2 months of bumming! lol) So it feels great knowing that this time I am productive again, hahaha.

Well orientation is a good thing coz everything is discussed about, like salary, events, benefits and etc. But one thing I dont like about it is that its boring... Wew,, but its all good. At least I have something to do than not doing at all in a whole day. I like the people there. They are so welcoming. And I've met of new friends too!

I was just worried of something, but I need to move forward, and so enough of worries and negative thoughts! I will just do my best this time. And oh, I almost forgot, my shift is so early! Its 6 in the morning! Hmmmm, Its good cause its dayshift this time not unlike before I was in graveyard shift, and its terrible! But now Im quiet happy about it. And guess what? our trainer for next week is an Australian! Yahoo super nose bleed! Lol... I dont know but I think It would be fun and scary at the same time so good luck to me! Awwww!

So there, I hope everything will be fine for the next years of my career. Its not hard to work and get busy, but the most difficult part is to maintain it, to be stable and to see the outcome of your hard work! Right?

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