Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year with a Bang! Boom! :D

Yeah here comes 2012! I wonder what's in store for us this year... Hmmm.. I'm not sure yet but what is I'm certain about is that I enjoyed my 2011... why? Because the previous year is a wonderful year for me. My relationship with my family was tighter and we bonded often- the first time in my entire life that we got bonded this much. I thank GOd for all the blessings, that means Job! :) I had a wonderful moments with them, my friends (PPS is the best!) and of course had a precious time with my love.

2011 also opened an opportunity for me to venture into business. I'm a business woman! hahaha. I like it. I am enjoying the part of me being a business woman (that is what is I am supposed to be cause i'm a Business Management graduate! hahaha). Well this year, I'm planning to save and save so that means I have to be more hardworking, more productive! I want to extend and expand my mini business. So I am starting to plan at this very point how to do it. I know it would be tedious. Its ok, I'm ready for it - bring it on! Hahaha

Well, what else is I am supposed to do this year?.. Hmmmm.. yah definitely be more closer to God. I promise myself that I have to be more closer to God, that means I have to do good not just for me and my family but for others. Stop being selfish and be more concerned about others. Live a life which is according to his will not just for my own sake. I think that, that should we all have this year. I know that all this wonderful blessings I am enjoying now is all because of Him. So this is the right time to thank Him and be his servant. I am happy and that is because of our dear Lord who's been protecting and guiding me through the right path. So Jacqui, please be good this year! :)

So that would be it. I don't want to make promises I will just do it. And I am looking forward for a wonderful more years... I hope to be happier and luckier this year! So welcome year 2012! Booom! hahaha

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