Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Christmas!

I would say that I had a happy Christmas this year. One reason is that I was able to celebrate it with my family and close friends... and of course with the one I love.. Though I had work Im still happy with the moments I spent with my family.

I felt like I was a Santa that night when my cousins and relatives all came through me to ask for their presents! hahaha so funny but its a wonderful feeling. I thank God for the blessings this year. I was able to gave them their gifts in my own simple way and small amount of money to my cousins to make them happy! Nothing beats the happiness we can give to someone! I love to share.. Even if its just little, I made them happy! :)

Then we had our PPS Christmas party with my closest friends-PPS! We exchanged gifts and party all night. Just sad because one of my friends Madoy was not able to attend due to sad reason. But its ok... We still had fun laughing.. eating .. drinking and chat all night. Its funny because I received a "kettle" for our exchange gift session! hahahaha.. Never expected it.. Anyways, thank you Jeh for that super unique gift! hahahha

I received a gift from my Hanz, and guess what? its a Doraemon bath towel and Bath robe! I super like it cause its in my wish list! hehehe. I gave him a gift too and shirt and a bracelet and he seemed happy about it (weh, I hope so! ) LOL...

I super enjoyed this Christmas. Gifts and sharing and love are everywhere! Hope you guys have your happy Christmas too just what I had!




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