Sunday, December 18, 2011

Infy X-Mas Party @ ROCKWell Tent

Last night was our company's Christmas party held at Rockwell Tent. The place was nice though its smaller compared to last year. And the food? yes fewer that last year... Anyways I still enjoyed the night and it was fab still because of the surprise guests! Artist like Imago band, Fabio Ide, and Diana Meneses were at the party last night! Diana hosted the party and to tell you, she is so silly, and really gorgeous! And Fabio was so charming! hehehe... I love also the songs of Imago who made everyone gone crazy with their music!

Yeah its me with my not so daring shot! (i told you.. NOT SO DARING!) LOL

Me and Ate Maricel.. We call ourselves the "WAGAS" Ladies!!! for obvious reason! hehe

Weeeeh my Prebook 3 family!

Me and GF Joey! Aren't we pretty? LOL

More pics of ME.. :)

Feeling sophisticated with the glass! haha

More pics, more fun!

Above all, the party ended well... Its was fun partying with my friends and colleagues! Looking forward for another happy year!


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