Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gloomy Weather! ( my unlucky VL!)

This gloomy weather makes me sick! Hmppp... Because its raining outside and wet Im stuck in here!. Poor me.. :( We are about to go to Manila Ocean Park last Sunday however, because of the weather, we ended up staying here in our house! Hmppp Hmmpp!
Fortunately, at least we had our "party party" with my PPS friends. (that was so much fun!) and the weather was good to us that time! Luckily!

Today is the last day of my VL. Oh no! Too bad im still stuck in here... I would love to go out and have some fun with my Hanz.. So weather.. please be nice to me! :D

What did I accomplish today? Well.. I got my nails done.. At least,, Ive colored it red! hehe.. And what else?... did some business I guess.. My direct selling business.. :) Im planning to expand the business more.. still thinking of more ways to invest in business.. (think! think! Think!). . Awww... 2012 is near and so... well.. Im a bit scared,, honestly, I dont know why. But,, I cannot be scared.. I need positive vibes! and energy! Throw that worries away. There is no more room for that. Another year, another life so lets all move forward and embrace what is in store for us this coming year! Alright Jacqui you are getting better! Im proud of you (im talking to myself!) hehehe..

And so.. enough of all said and done.. the weather is still gloomy,, awtz! hahhaa

alright then,, signing off...

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