Monday, March 14, 2011

Tsunami and Earthquake

It was so terrifying to hear about that massive devastation happened in Japan. I saw videos and news about it and it really shocked me! At first i was so worried about my Aunt and cousin who lives there. Thank God, we were able to communicate with them and they said that they are ok there. Sendai was the center of the massive destruction, and my relatives are far from that place. But they told us that up to now it is still shaking there. Some small but intense quakes is still happening there.

I cant really imagine that that could happen. It scared me. Im so worried about my family there... That big and destructive tsunami killed a lot of people! Im so terrified by the incident. I cant really imagine that that big waves would destruct the entire place and would kill thousands of people!

I just hope ad pray that all will be safe... But we could not predict what will happen each moment. Who can say?.. No one. But i strongly believe that we can all surpass this, with the help of prayers and faith for our dear Lord..

Still cant move on with that incident! Now, i keep on searching and watching videos on internet about the Tsunami incident that hit Japan. It scares me but I have to watch and be aware of it. Its just so sad.. May the Lord help us all and bless us, and keep us safe all the time!

Lets all tighten our faith in Him, there is no greater weapon but with the faith for our Lord above!

God bless us all!

Please be safe everyone...

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