Sunday, March 6, 2011


Yeah it's Monday!.. been off for 4 days! so happy.. Im thinking of what to do today.. hmm... Well , Im planning to have movie marathon, and then ill go to Market to see my hubby (Hanz) and eat lunch with him. He's busy on his work so we dont have the time that much, coz our schedules dont allow us! Anyways, its fine, we bonded yesterday, with my Pulpol friends here at my Crib.

I cannot think of songs to download on my Ipod nano... A lot of songs in my head but when I got to be in front of my laptop, I cant remember a single one! hahaha.. Poor Jacqui!.. I am thinking of nice old songs.. hmmm... (still thinking up to this moment!) awwww!

Alright! enough! Ill just think later... for now, ill just update my fb and twitter.. yeeeeepeeee!

Byee-yiii for now!

pls follow me on twitter!

@ quianz21 !

Have a nice day everyone!

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