Sunday, March 20, 2011

1 year and 11 months!

TOday is our 1 year and 11 months of being together..

Im so happy and proud to say to all about my Love Jansen Noir B. Astrero!

He is an amazing person. He'll do everything just to make me happy. There is no moment that he made me feel that Im less important. Im he's number 1 priority. Because of that, I really love him... He is so wonderful that I couldnt believe that I have found someone who is as good as him..

I am truly blessed.. And I am overwhelmed by so much love. If not for him, i guess, my life wouldnt be as complete as I have now.

To my Hanz,

I love you so much..

Thank you for the wonderful moments we have shared and more moments to share! I am proud of you because you always make your way just to please me. And I can see your hard work and perseverance. You have promised me that you will be more responsible and will build plans for us. Im thankful for that. I have faith in you and I know that you will always be there by my side as youre always telling me..

I could not ask for more. Im looking forward for that day, that we are finally settled and starting to build our future together.

I love you and I always will.

Happy Anniversary-monthsary and I cant wait for next month for our 2nd Anniv!

With love,

Your Mah..


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