Sunday, March 20, 2011


1 year and 11 months!

TOday is our 1 year and 11 months of being together..

Im so happy and proud to say to all about my Love Jansen Noir B. Astrero!

He is an amazing person. He'll do everything just to make me happy. There is no moment that he made me feel that Im less important. Im he's number 1 priority. Because of that, I really love him... He is so wonderful that I couldnt believe that I have found someone who is as good as him..

I am truly blessed.. And I am overwhelmed by so much love. If not for him, i guess, my life wouldnt be as complete as I have now.

To my Hanz,

I love you so much..

Thank you for the wonderful moments we have shared and more moments to share! I am proud of you because you always make your way just to please me. And I can see your hard work and perseverance. You have promised me that you will be more responsible and will build plans for us. Im thankful for that. I have faith in you and I know that you will always be there by my side as youre always telling me..

I could not ask for more. Im looking forward for that day, that we are finally settled and starting to build our future together.

I love you and I always will.

Happy Anniversary-monthsary and I cant wait for next month for our 2nd Anniv!

With love,

Your Mah..


Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Hayst.. I hate this day. Im starting to dislike my work. We are always overtime for work, for what? for nothing!.. Workloads were high, and it's so impossible to finish it all for 8 hours!

And then today, what did i get? A feedback! They dont know what it feels to be stressed out from such so many workloads.. Its okay if we are getting for extra time that we render for such work, but we dont have any! even a single centavo! Then they will blame some if they did not touch or process the work?.. How come.. This is so unfair.. I wanna give up.. I feel like Im doing them a favor.. they are not worthy of it!

If not for money and for the crisis we are facing today, i would not let myself to stay there! Its too much!

Hayst, if given the chance I would not try anymore... Hayst.. they are being unfair.. cruel..

I dont have to stay there. And let myself in the position of being discriminated.. Or humiliated..

Never again!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tsunami and Earthquake

It was so terrifying to hear about that massive devastation happened in Japan. I saw videos and news about it and it really shocked me! At first i was so worried about my Aunt and cousin who lives there. Thank God, we were able to communicate with them and they said that they are ok there. Sendai was the center of the massive destruction, and my relatives are far from that place. But they told us that up to now it is still shaking there. Some small but intense quakes is still happening there.

I cant really imagine that that could happen. It scared me. Im so worried about my family there... That big and destructive tsunami killed a lot of people! Im so terrified by the incident. I cant really imagine that that big waves would destruct the entire place and would kill thousands of people!

I just hope ad pray that all will be safe... But we could not predict what will happen each moment. Who can say?.. No one. But i strongly believe that we can all surpass this, with the help of prayers and faith for our dear Lord..

Still cant move on with that incident! Now, i keep on searching and watching videos on internet about the Tsunami incident that hit Japan. It scares me but I have to watch and be aware of it. Its just so sad.. May the Lord help us all and bless us, and keep us safe all the time!

Lets all tighten our faith in Him, there is no greater weapon but with the faith for our Lord above!

God bless us all!

Please be safe everyone...

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Yeah it's Monday!.. been off for 4 days! so happy.. Im thinking of what to do today.. hmm... Well , Im planning to have movie marathon, and then ill go to Market to see my hubby (Hanz) and eat lunch with him. He's busy on his work so we dont have the time that much, coz our schedules dont allow us! Anyways, its fine, we bonded yesterday, with my Pulpol friends here at my Crib.

I cannot think of songs to download on my Ipod nano... A lot of songs in my head but when I got to be in front of my laptop, I cant remember a single one! hahaha.. Poor Jacqui!.. I am thinking of nice old songs.. hmmm... (still thinking up to this moment!) awwww!

Alright! enough! Ill just think later... for now, ill just update my fb and twitter.. yeeeeepeeee!

Byee-yiii for now!

pls follow me on twitter!

@ quianz21 !

Have a nice day everyone!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tagaytay Trip with the Girls!

We went to Tagaytay yesterday with my friends Bunny, Grace, and Joey! It rained but it didnt stop us to push through!.. Weve missed the beautiful view in Peoples Park for it was so foggy there! Ooops! Not a good idea! Wheew! But its okay, we still had fun, walking and playing in the rain! I was shivering in cold! I wasnt able to bring my jacket so it was so cold!!..

Then we went to Picnic Grove, there, we were able to view the Taal volcano. It was superb! I really love it.. We ate Bulalo (so delicious!), and then barbeque for lunch!
Super super like. We have missed to try the Zip line, but its okay, next time im gonna try it with my hubby! and also the horse back riding!.. So fun to be there, Im looking forward to go there again, soon! :)