Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Christmas!

I would say that I had a happy Christmas this year. One reason is that I was able to celebrate it with my family and close friends... and of course with the one I love.. Though I had work Im still happy with the moments I spent with my family.

I felt like I was a Santa that night when my cousins and relatives all came through me to ask for their presents! hahaha so funny but its a wonderful feeling. I thank God for the blessings this year. I was able to gave them their gifts in my own simple way and small amount of money to my cousins to make them happy! Nothing beats the happiness we can give to someone! I love to share.. Even if its just little, I made them happy! :)

Then we had our PPS Christmas party with my closest friends-PPS! We exchanged gifts and party all night. Just sad because one of my friends Madoy was not able to attend due to sad reason. But its ok... We still had fun laughing.. eating .. drinking and chat all night. Its funny because I received a "kettle" for our exchange gift session! hahahaha.. Never expected it.. Anyways, thank you Jeh for that super unique gift! hahahha

I received a gift from my Hanz, and guess what? its a Doraemon bath towel and Bath robe! I super like it cause its in my wish list! hehehe. I gave him a gift too and shirt and a bracelet and he seemed happy about it (weh, I hope so! ) LOL...

I super enjoyed this Christmas. Gifts and sharing and love are everywhere! Hope you guys have your happy Christmas too just what I had!




Sunday, December 18, 2011

Infy X-Mas Party @ ROCKWell Tent

Last night was our company's Christmas party held at Rockwell Tent. The place was nice though its smaller compared to last year. And the food? yes fewer that last year... Anyways I still enjoyed the night and it was fab still because of the surprise guests! Artist like Imago band, Fabio Ide, and Diana Meneses were at the party last night! Diana hosted the party and to tell you, she is so silly, and really gorgeous! And Fabio was so charming! hehehe... I love also the songs of Imago who made everyone gone crazy with their music!

Yeah its me with my not so daring shot! (i told you.. NOT SO DARING!) LOL

Me and Ate Maricel.. We call ourselves the "WAGAS" Ladies!!! for obvious reason! hehe

Weeeeh my Prebook 3 family!

Me and GF Joey! Aren't we pretty? LOL

More pics of ME.. :)

Feeling sophisticated with the glass! haha

More pics, more fun!

Above all, the party ended well... Its was fun partying with my friends and colleagues! Looking forward for another happy year!


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Look Fab this Christmas! (my personal picks for this holiday season- for girls!)

Im making "pauso" lang.. haha.. so I have this nice idea for all the girls out there to look FAB this holiday season! Below are from MSE, Natasha, and Avon products which is my personal pick (i think you'll love it too! good luck to me! lol)

Lets see.. for your outfit, try this nice and sexy shirt from MSE ( perfect for Chirstmas Eve!)

DEVON shirt (Php 590)

This shirt is 2 in 1. And you can wear whichever style you want! The color RED is so in for X-mas and i love the ribbon on it. You can wear the stripe shirt alone and style it "off-shoulder". Or if you feel sexier, wear the RED inner piece alone too and mix and match with accessories you want !

Then match it with this RED purse bag!

FIONA man made purse bag (Php 195)

And to complete the outfit , try to match it with this super cool skinny jeans:

JIGSAW skinny Jeans (Php 940)

and then try this Black sandals to match that outfit:

LIGHT sandals (Php 785)

Done with the outfit! Now its time to look it more FAB by adding accessories on it! Check out the following from AVON accessories/jewelries:


Silver is always in.. I love the unique style of this jewelry set!

Now look pretty this holiday season. Time to color and beautify the face with these make-ups!

Color your lips with this Perfect Pink Lipstick from AVON!


And then color your eyes with Natasha's EYE SHADOW, Mascara, and Eye Liners:




Match it with these Blush on and Face powder:


GOLDEN BEIGE face powder(Php 25)

There you have it girls... Your outfit and prettylicious look this holiday! Hope you liked it! Hope this one gave you an idea on what wear and your look this upcoming holiday! See yah!



Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gloomy Weather! ( my unlucky VL!)

This gloomy weather makes me sick! Hmppp... Because its raining outside and wet Im stuck in here!. Poor me.. :( We are about to go to Manila Ocean Park last Sunday however, because of the weather, we ended up staying here in our house! Hmppp Hmmpp!
Fortunately, at least we had our "party party" with my PPS friends. (that was so much fun!) and the weather was good to us that time! Luckily!

Today is the last day of my VL. Oh no! Too bad im still stuck in here... I would love to go out and have some fun with my Hanz.. So weather.. please be nice to me! :D

What did I accomplish today? Well.. I got my nails done.. At least,, Ive colored it red! hehe.. And what else?... did some business I guess.. My direct selling business.. :) Im planning to expand the business more.. still thinking of more ways to invest in business.. (think! think! Think!). . Awww... 2012 is near and so... well.. Im a bit scared,, honestly, I dont know why. But,, I cannot be scared.. I need positive vibes! and energy! Throw that worries away. There is no more room for that. Another year, another life so lets all move forward and embrace what is in store for us this coming year! Alright Jacqui you are getting better! Im proud of you (im talking to myself!) hehehe..

And so.. enough of all said and done.. the weather is still gloomy,, awtz! hahhaa

alright then,, signing off...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Party Night with PPS!

Last night we went to UNO bar in MOA for Czassy's post bday celeb. We had some drinks and partying! Yeah I got dizzy with that cocktail drink "WengWeng" haha.. We did have a great time. Took pictures everywhere and any pose we did, we just didnt care of the surroundings! Lol. WE had a great time and we are planning to have more! I just love my PPS friends! Looking forward for another Puchu Puchu bonding with them! :)

Partying and drinking Beer and WengWeng!

