Monday, September 8, 2014

White Sand Beach at Ternate Cavite

Okay, so my Aunt and her daughter from Japan came here last week for a short vacation. All of my relatives were excited for their arrival because it's been 6 years since the last time they've been here. 

So, as a tradition, we had a family reunion and bonding as we always do before. The entire fambam decided to go to A beach called "Boracay De Cavite" in Ternate Cavite. Well actually, this beach resort is a private property exclusively used by marine police/soldiers which serve as their training camp. However, this beach resort is also open to the public for swimming purposes. And so we went there, maybe that was after lunch because we planned to go for a night swimming! All my family and relatives were excited, because this is the only time that we were able to have a grand family outing.

 The beach was nice! Fine cream like white sands and greenish sea water! 

I got overwhelmed by the sceneries because im really excited to swim and just have fun with my family and ofcourse this is also a perfect time for me and my hubby! :)

We had boodle fight for lunch! Everyone was just so happy and enjoying the entire day...

My entire fam! We could not wait any longer to swim! The sea was inviting us! Lol

Doing crazy things at the shore.. Lol

My hubby and I having a selfie haha

That night we built the tent and had a small camping right there at the sand! With our hard drinks and some crazy conversations with aunts and cousins :)

Oh how i loved the sunset! So peaceful and calm... 

The beach was really nice, and yes you could also see the correigidor island there! The beach is surrounded by trees and forrest! We saw monkies also and crabs and more...  

We enjoyed the entire night. We got drunk also haha. I hope there would be more family outings in the future! Super thanks to my tita for this great and so fun vacation! All the best to our family! :)


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Antipolo trip: Bosay Resort and Mystical Cave

For 2 days we went to a trip with my hubby. This time we decided to go to Antipolo! Well Antipolo is just near metro manila and for those who wants a trip and vacation without spending too much, i definitely recommend Antipolo city.

First stop, Bosay Resort. Actually we went there with my hubby's workmates. It was like some sort of despidida since my hubby already resigned from the company and transferred to a new company. His workmates are so fun to be with. I dont actually had an awkward moment with them they are all nice and accomodating. We had night swimming and it was fun! They bought a lot of food and we went there all are prepared. 

These are my hubby's workmates. We rented this cottage i think for about 1k only. By the way, night swimming in Bosay resort starts from 7pm to 5AM only, and also this resort is so strict in terms of proper swimming attire, guys and girls should only wear swim wear for girls and trunks for guys. Too bad some of his workmates were not able to swim because they dont have proper swim wear. But thats ok we still enjoyed the night! :)

For our food, we had a bunch of grilled fish, pork, seafoods :)

Wow fiesta! Haha. We had fruits and seafoods :)

At the turle pool.. Sadly i wasnt able to take pictures of the entire place only few :(

This is their olympic size pool. I love swimming in here because the water is warm :)

More photos of me and my husband :)

After the night swimming in Bosay resort me and hubz wanted to explore more Antipolo city and so we decided to visit Antipolo church and Mystical cave!

Antipolo church is just walking distance from Bosay resort. After the church we stayed in for awhile in an Apartelle just nearby to catch some sleep since we were tired and sleepy for swimming all night. 

Antipolo church...

Then after sleeping in our room in an apartelle we headed back to the church and looked for pasalubong. We bough some suman, coco jam and kasuy nuts.
We rode a tricycle that would take us to mystical cave. Fare is P120.

Amazingly to go to the cave we need to take this stairs which is according to the tour guide, is composed of 200 steps! After climbing, we were really tired! Haha we needed to catch our breath first before entering the cave. The stairs was really tiring! Haha

We paid 40 pesos each to enter the cave . There will be a tour guide that would tour you inside. Inside the cave the temperature is cold and you needed to have a flashlight cause its kinda dark.  They were bulb lights but not enough to light up the entire area! 

This is the main entrance of the cave. They said that a certain Inday Nelly discovered this cave and they named it "mystical cave" because the rock formation inside mostly are holy persons. We saw image of Jesus Christ, mother Mary, saints, And a lot more. We were fortunate enough because that time it was not crowded. 

I was amazed because the rocks here (stalagtites/stalagmites) glitters! Our tour guide which by the way a little girl told us that we dont have to touch these stones cause they will die. They were also water that flows in these stones and they said that its holy water and can be drink to cure illness. We took some of the water and put it in a bottle :)

Our tour guide, they were 2 girls, told me to sit in this stone for me to get pregnant. I tried it because they told me some women tried it and they got pregnant! And i felt something there. There was also wishing well that you have to trow a coin and make a wish. 

After the cave trip we took picture outside. Surprisingly, my wifi connection was strong in that area though we were at the tip of the hill :) 

They were stores there and we tried their halo halo. P35 each :) it was yummy!

There you have it. Our trip in Antipolo city! Almost 2 days of real fun filled vacation! We had so much fun and im hoping that we could explore more location this summer :)

Friday, April 11, 2014

Online shop version 2.0

Hello there! Just wanna share something. In my other post i shared to you regarding my onlineshop business. Guess what? I decided to add 2 more account! The other one, a newbie store which is more of the perfumes and accessories. The other is more of wholesale clothing. Well between the 3 online shop that i have i would say that the wholesale clothing is the most profitable. I just realized that because theres a lot of onlineshop already in IG why not put up a wholesale line so that sellers would come to me? So then i decided to look for a supplier and voila! My wholesale online shop is set to go... Im thinking of putting up more items and eventually a physical store, im just saving for that. I got no job now but i guess having my own online business plus my mini sari sari store is just enough for now. But i miss working in the office though but i enjoy working online too haha.

So pals pls do check out my online shops:

Fb page:




Bye! :)