Friday, April 11, 2014

Online shop version 2.0

Hello there! Just wanna share something. In my other post i shared to you regarding my onlineshop business. Guess what? I decided to add 2 more account! The other one, a newbie store which is more of the perfumes and accessories. The other is more of wholesale clothing. Well between the 3 online shop that i have i would say that the wholesale clothing is the most profitable. I just realized that because theres a lot of onlineshop already in IG why not put up a wholesale line so that sellers would come to me? So then i decided to look for a supplier and voila! My wholesale online shop is set to go... Im thinking of putting up more items and eventually a physical store, im just saving for that. I got no job now but i guess having my own online business plus my mini sari sari store is just enough for now. But i miss working in the office though but i enjoy working online too haha.

So pals pls do check out my online shops:

Fb page:




Bye! :)

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