Thursday, January 10, 2013

Gotta Move!

There is a vacant house for rent within the vicinity. I thought of the location was good and a good site for a small business. I was thinking of my family. I asked my mom if she wanted for us to live under one roof. I was surprised coz she agreed..

I asked the landlady to give us the jouse and without hesitation, she gave it to us! Im thankful and excited coz i will be with my family again.. I just hope that there would be no more fights between me and my mom! We have troubles before but we forgot it already.. My mom has an attitude i must admit. But for me i will always forgive her coz shes my mom..

I just hope that everything will be ok.. Im excited for the house... Im excited for more coming years.. Im planning to have a business but i dont know where to start... Hmmm.. Come what may! For now all i want to do is save and save as long as there is work!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy Ever After

Last December 18 was our big day. Finally we got married. We've been together for almost 4 years and I think that was the perfect moment to settle down...

What do i feel now? Hmmm actually I feel the same! All I ever want is to build my own family and just be happy with the one for me :). . We're planning to have a baby this year.. Im excited about it! I cant wait to see what it feels to be a mom and to see our little angel look like!

Last year was a blessed year and we are hoping for good coming years! Lets all be positive this year! Love is all we ever need!

Xoxo - jacqui masalig-astrero