Thursday, October 24, 2013

Just A Biz :)

Hi there!

It's been like months since my last post right? Well I have a lot to share today. I got no job since September 30! Unfortunately our account (in call center) got closed and so now I'm a bummer! lol..

Well because you know I am not contented of doing nothing - meaning I cannot allow myself to be unproductive, and so I established a small sari-sari store business! Yeah, that was all I've been dreaming of, to have a business of my own. Well don't expect too much because it's just a small business ha, but I am proud to say that it's MINE! :) It is just located at our home, it's home-based! Here, have a look at it! ..

There you go! my mini store. I'm planning to buy more items like softdrinks and more.. But for now, that is all I got. And aside from that, I am also involved in online networking where I will earn through referrals online and also, I am still reselling AVON products and still have my mistyshoppe21 on Instagram. And so that's it! Hope someday I would be successful if not on my job at least as a BUSINESSWOMAN! haha




Monday, July 29, 2013

Vacation Mode @ Star Cove

Heee yah! Yes it's our first time to purchase online for a Getaway.  We've found a good place and good deal at  The place is called "Star cove hotel and resort" in balayan, Batangas! We have booked 2 days and 1 night with free breakfast at a very affordable price of P899! 

Well, for me although it was not really a good timing  to have a vacation cause its not summer anymore, but me and my hubby  just wanted a day to relax and unwind... We were not able to celebrate our anniversary last April, and so we grabbed the chance now. :) 

Ok, and so last Sunday afternoon we went to Balayaan Batangas and tried to search for the resort. It was raining hard then and not so good to travel! But anyways, we are still  eagered to continue cause we really needed a break for us to enjoy and relax! 

We just took a bus going to Nasugbu and then rode a jeepney to Balayan and then rode another tricycle headed to Barrio Baclaran and there we were finally found the place! 

When we entered the place, we were amazed by the displays and furniture, it felt like we entered an ancestral house! 
This is the reception area / guess area of the resort... I would say very nice furniture pieces! We were welcomed by a old lady and headed us to our room.  Our room was nice and clean and cool. 

I like our  bed, there was a mini dining area too. I liked the bathroom, there was a bath tub and hot and cold shower! And the toilet bowl has a sprinkler! Not bad for a P899 deal! but i got sad cause there was no tv, and i wasnt able to watch my fave  shows! Hahaha but anyways thats ok thank God i have my iphone and my own pocket wifi and so we were still able to entertain ourselves through intenet! I just wondered why there was no tv?! :)

And then we got hungry and ate our late lunch! Then we roamed around the place and got fascinated by the furnitures again.  The entire resort is quiet big.  There were 2 pools and a gaming area. I loved the gaming area, we played billiards and Dart and soccer boards! I was amazed cause they got Bowling area too! But ofcourse theres a fee for the bowling. :) 

Then we went out for swimming! I loved the pool and the warm water! Theres a beach infront but theres a fence which serves as the wall /barrier, but according to them, guests can still swim on the beach.  But we were contented by the pool and so we just enjoyed our 2 days stay there at Star Cove! :). Overall, i would say that this place is amazing and very nice! To think that its very cheap :) still a perfect place to enjoy and relax. 

Then Monday afternoon, before going home, we stopped over Tagaytay city to eat for Bulalo! I wanted to go to Picnic Grove but it was raining hard and so we just decided to find a restaurant that offers Bulalo!
We also had Leche flan for dessert, so yummy! :) After the entire vacation, we are thrilled for our next, hope we could find a great deal again! Looking forward for it! ;)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Online Shop

Hi there Bloggers! 

Its been awhile since my last post.  Im happy to say that I have gained 1k followers on Instagram for my online shop ;) ,, 

I dont know but im really enjoying being an onlineseller. There is something about it that I am most fond of. Maybe not because im getting extra income aside from my work but im really enjoying alot! 

The best thing about it is that im gaining friends and then i get more positive feedbacks from my client telling me that they are happy with the item they have ordered. :) 

Such an addiction to me right now! Haha im thankful for social networking sites like FB and IG because its so easy to market my products in just one click! Plus the fact that i am just home-based and no physical shop or a rented place. 

I have always dreamed about having my own business and now im totally enjoying what i have. Aside from my work (call center agent) i got to take my extra time at home making money! Isnt it greatful?
Im proud of what i have achieved right now! 

So there you go pals, my share of story! 

So pls pla take time to browse my online shop on instagram! Pls follow me or add me on FB too! :) 

IG: @mistyshoppe21

Thanks! Xoxo! :)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My Online Fashion Shop!

Hey Bloggers!

I'm happy to share that I have my very own Online fashion shop! Just wanna share it ;)

Well, if youre looking for some fab outfits and accesorries and you dont have the time to go to mall then you might wanna shop and visit my online store!

Pls follow on Instagram: @ mistyshoppe21

Or like on Facebook:

My items are very affordable and shipping nationwide! Go and grab now!



Jacqui ;)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

New Venture

Im thrilled for my new venture. I am really eager to make money! I started to buy and sell perfumes online and hope that it will boom.. I really wanted to have my own business. I always think of some ways to invest my money to something that I can handle and manage and eventually would be our bread and butter! I think perfume business has potential! Its something that i never thought of selling actually but somehow, i get excited of it!

I just wish that it would turn out good cause if it does, then i dont have to worry about some other things...! Thats it and i love doing it... :)

Go Misty Scents!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Good vibes?!

I woke up today. I feel good i must admit. Hmmmm i want to change for the better and i will start it today... :)

I know these past few days i've been so worried and stressed out because of lots of problems. But today i just want to have a fresh new start. I know i can do this if i will just focus on positivities!

Im hoping and wishing to become more peaceful with clear mind from all that stress and anxiety... I have to, coz i've realized that it wont help me if i always worry too much! Yeah that's it!

Let's all be positive guys! Gogogo! :D

Friday, February 15, 2013

Little things

I guess it's not the end for me. My husband gave me chocolate and said sorry. This little thing that he did today melts my heart. I know we have rough times, but i know in my heart that he really loves me. Im grateful to have him in my life. He is just the best. So nice and so patient. I dont think i can find a man like him in this world. I just hope that i can reciprocate all his efforts cause im stubborn.! Im willing to change cause its for the best of us. I can do it!

Saturday, February 2, 2013


We have just moved in into a new house. Yeah this time with my mom and sis. Im glad coz they liked it here. I personally love our new place coz its way better than our old home. More space here and we have our own gate. I know its hard (specially financial challenges!) but i still have hopes that soon everythings will run smoothly. I wanted to have my own business and for my mom. We are just taking out time and i hope soon i would be able to achieve it. We just need to work harder for it, anyways we still have a lot of time and energy so im just hoping for the best!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Gotta Move!

There is a vacant house for rent within the vicinity. I thought of the location was good and a good site for a small business. I was thinking of my family. I asked my mom if she wanted for us to live under one roof. I was surprised coz she agreed..

I asked the landlady to give us the jouse and without hesitation, she gave it to us! Im thankful and excited coz i will be with my family again.. I just hope that there would be no more fights between me and my mom! We have troubles before but we forgot it already.. My mom has an attitude i must admit. But for me i will always forgive her coz shes my mom..

I just hope that everything will be ok.. Im excited for the house... Im excited for more coming years.. Im planning to have a business but i dont know where to start... Hmmm.. Come what may! For now all i want to do is save and save as long as there is work!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy Ever After

Last December 18 was our big day. Finally we got married. We've been together for almost 4 years and I think that was the perfect moment to settle down...

What do i feel now? Hmmm actually I feel the same! All I ever want is to build my own family and just be happy with the one for me :). . We're planning to have a baby this year.. Im excited about it! I cant wait to see what it feels to be a mom and to see our little angel look like!

Last year was a blessed year and we are hoping for good coming years! Lets all be positive this year! Love is all we ever need!

Xoxo - jacqui masalig-astrero