Sunday, August 21, 2011

Another PuchuPuchu night with my PPS berkz!

Another night full of fun and crazy moments with my PPS berkz! I just love our playing of cards and the Owling and Planking thing! Hahahaha so fun! I really really liked it! :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Adien's Christening

Team Violet! Our Family Portrait!

Hehehe.. This photo is so cool! We had family picture taken at a studio! We were all wearing violet here! My sis made the idea of us having family picture before they go to States.. I super miss my lil nephew Aiden! Now they are in U.S already. I think they are gonna live there for good. So its just sad not to see them in person anymore.. But at least we had lots of memories together, including this fam pictures of us! Huha

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Family Bonding at Resort in Laguna

We just had a wonderful bonding tonight here at Pansol, Laguna. We are enjoying our swimming and just having fun. My ate's husband Sam, treated us here. He is nice.. actually im having a hard time speaking to him ( pure english eh you know what i mean?) hahaha. But i find him nice and obviously he really loves my ate and our family. Well they only have about 4 days to stay here coz they are gonna come back on Texas , US soon. Sad to say! But we really had fun tonight, and I wanna cherish it forever. Im gonna miss my baby Boy Aiden (my lil nephew)... Probably this is one of my happiest moment in life. Cause its the first time for us family to be reunited again and have this great bonding/outing such as this.. Its just sad that they have to leave soon. But thats alright at least we have some memories to cherish with. I love my family so much, they are part of my happiness! :)

And now since im tired from swimming all night, i think i better sleep now! And its so cold here in our room. We had occupied one big family room with 4 beds. We had lots of food, and there lots of leftovers! AWWWW... But its okay, whats more important is that we had fun tonight..

ok bye for now! Time to rest now. Good thing the net connection is great here! :) Nighty tweepz..