Sunday, May 22, 2011

Church of Baclaran ( our fave..) and Date w/ friends

We always go to this church every time with have time to attend a mass. This church became my favorite because I do believe that every time I pray here, my prayers are answered! Im talking about the famous Baclaran church! Miracles would attest how great this church is. 3 years ago, I got sick, and I prayed in Baclaran church for healing. He answered my prayers and got healed. Ever since that day, I tell myself to pray to the church because of its miraculous event... I thank the Lord for his blessings and I really do thank Him for what I have now. It's all because of Him! So guys if you have time, please go to Baclaran church and pray to Him, surely he will answer and hear all your prayers!

We took pictures behind is the Baclaran Church... :)

I like the effects of the light behind us on this photo. :)

After attending the mass, we went to Sea side at MOA to meet highschool friends of my Hanz! Its not my first time to meet with them and I enjoyed the night! Norie, treated us on dinner and then coffee after!

Seafoods all over! I forgot the name of the restaurant but I can say that their food is one of the best! Yum yum!

After the sumptuous dinner.. coffee naman after at Starbucks!

Tasteful Mocha Frap!


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