Tuesday, April 20, 2010

For You, on our first anniversary

To my Hanz:

WE are on our first year of being together... I'm so happy and delightful knowing that at last there is something in my life that I am so proud about. You've given me all the reasons to smile all day, and reasons for me to live another day of my life. I'm just happy and contented...

I cant really recall how it all started, all I know is that when I met you again last year I have this feeling that you will be the one that I need-- to have and to hold. If Im going to tell you my reasons for loving you I think this entire blog space is not enough to describe it. But I have to say, you are really an amazing person, you are wonderful. You are really persistent ever since the time when you start courting me and get closed with me. I saw the sincerity in you. The look in your eyes tells me everything. I couldn't ask for something more. You're always there for me in all phases of my life. I will never forget how you did all the efforts during the time of my sickness and trials. You are so patient always. You never left me until I get recovered from it. If not for you I dont think I could ever survived. Thank you so much pah.. I really appreciate all your love and concerns. I maybe not the perfect or the nicest girl on earth but i want to assure you of the love and loyalty that you have always dreaming for a girl. You don't deserve to be left alone. Because I know that you are really kind and loving person. I saw that in you...

Im so in love with you and I cant stop loving you because you are my everything. Now, we are on our first step for our journey of love, I just want you to know that you have my heart. Keep it, hold it, and never let it go... I cant promise you of everything , cause I think promises are made to be broken, but I will do my best effort to make this relationship work from now until forever. Let's work hand in hand to achieve our dreams pah, I know that you really want to marry me as you've always telling me. I know I have a future in you, we just have to wait for God's perfect time.

Thank you for everything pah, and Im sorry If there are times that I made you feel sad. You know me well and I know that in your eyes Im always perfect and beautiful. Thank you so much... I love you, happy 1st anniversary! --- mwuah!

With love:
Your Jacqui,, :)

Silver Lining...

I cant explain what am I feeling right now. Im so overwhelmed with what God has brought me. Finally at this point in time I feel so alive. I have so much hope and faith within me. I have so much pride and love and happiness. Because finally I did something that made my life more complete..

If not because of Him maybe I would be nothing. My only strength and my only hope has never left me-- my Lord. I have proved that there is always time for everything. We just have to believe in Him. Just be patient and never surrender. I was impatient before, when things go wrong I have this feeling of doubt and uncertainty. But with much prayers and belief I have overcome all those fears and worries in me. Im so thankful and blessed. I just cant believe that it is all happening to me. A new window had open. I see clouds and there's silver lining... :)