Thursday, October 24, 2013

Just A Biz :)

Hi there!

It's been like months since my last post right? Well I have a lot to share today. I got no job since September 30! Unfortunately our account (in call center) got closed and so now I'm a bummer! lol..

Well because you know I am not contented of doing nothing - meaning I cannot allow myself to be unproductive, and so I established a small sari-sari store business! Yeah, that was all I've been dreaming of, to have a business of my own. Well don't expect too much because it's just a small business ha, but I am proud to say that it's MINE! :) It is just located at our home, it's home-based! Here, have a look at it! ..

There you go! my mini store. I'm planning to buy more items like softdrinks and more.. But for now, that is all I got. And aside from that, I am also involved in online networking where I will earn through referrals online and also, I am still reselling AVON products and still have my mistyshoppe21 on Instagram. And so that's it! Hope someday I would be successful if not on my job at least as a BUSINESSWOMAN! haha


