Monday, November 5, 2012

I'm Getting Married!

Hi bloggers! its been a while since my last post here. Well, I've been busy these days. I got new job now and I'm about to be regular this month! I'm happy with my new job. It's just crazy and so friendly culture there. Anyways, as you can see, my post title 'im getting married'. Yah its true! hehe..

We're planning to get married by December. And we're planning for just a simple civil wedding. I know that it's kinda early I guess.. but I think I'm ready to face this new chapter in my life, with the one I truly love ( naks) :)

I admit that I'm quiet stressed-out because I dont know, I'm just kinda worried if all will end up good ( i mean the ceremony and reception thing!) :) I'm excited to plan our simple wedding. Hope that it will go well. We already processing our requirements for the wedding. We will just have the civil ceremony in Taguig City Hall. And yesterday, we just went there, and we have to attend first the family planning seminar and that is on Thursday. So I guess, once that is done we're going to submit our other requirements.

For the reception, my mom told me that she wanted it to be held on their house. Which is actually quiet not that spacious so that is one thing that Im worried about. So I guess I have to limit the number of my guests since we have only a small venue. I just want to have some simple and small gathering. Music, singing, food, and of course just family and friends enjoying our party! Well I just hope that everything will turn out to be well. I'm happy and excited but also worried, but I think its going to be a good one. I'm super excited! I wanted to start making my own family and getting married is the first step in achieving that! :)

Till then :)
