Saturday, November 26, 2011

Plain Sunday?

Yes I'm back from blogging! Its been a while since my last post here. I'm about to go home and just waiting for my shift to end. I got bored and here I am ended up in writing in here! My favorite day- Sunday!

What Am I gonna do today? Hmmm.. maybe I would just sing videoke? (since its been awhile since I've used our Magic Sing?) Wished I still have that energy to sing out loud later! Well goodluck! Oh I almost forgot --- our magic sing is outta batteries! Awwww.. terrible! Yeah right.. so next on line up, no, my first thing to do today since its my rest day, Im gonna continue watching Vampire Diaries series! These past few days I got hooked up in watching Vampire and Zombie inspired movies and series. I dont know, maybe its because of the influence of Twilight Saga! Niahahaha... Oh! that is not just now, actually its always been that I am a fan of Zombie-Scary-Thrilling-Vampiry inspired movies! (hahaha look at the adjectives I have used!, my own adjectives! haha). Its so Jacqui!

Well, November is about to end and guess what? -- everyones excited! Why? C'mmon because of bonuses, 13th month pay! lol.. Well, Im excited too.. and I will be on leave for 1 week so Im super excited! Im planning to have that super vacation (seriously? super vacation? lol) Im thinking of places where I could go or hang out. But where? Im stingy, so I am looking for cheaper ones! :D

Okey fine, forget about it first. I will just think when that date is near. But for now Im only thinking of how Am I gonna spend my rest day. But for sure I must attend a Mass later. Praise our dear Lord God for every blessings. Its only at the church where I could find peace of mind. :)

So that would be it! I guess.. Nothing much to say. Im running out of words.. and energy? lol.. So.. yah.. signing off...