Sunday, September 4, 2011

Anything Goes!

Hmmm anything goes.. Today I am thinking of anything that comes in my mind. Its been a while since that I wrote in this blog. I've been busy with work (my stressful work!).. :)

Well, I am getting hooked up with this Koreanovela "49 days". And I wake up early this morning just to watch the remaining episodes! The story is interesting that's why I enjoy watching it. Is it really possible that there is someone called "scheduler" who can schedule your time (death)! That is really something to confused about! hahaha Well i told you I'm really hooked up with the show! Its affecting me! hahaha

But aside from that show there is deeper thought that is playing on my mind. Actually I'm planning to have a small business. I've realized that my work is not for life so I am thinking of a business that would give me more savings. Well I have this friend's friend who is into E-loading business. Actually I thought about it before to get involved in e-loading business. Because the starting capital is just small. But I am also aware of the challenges of being in that business so its kinda hard for me to decide yet. Hmm.. what should I do? Would I invest in that business? If I won't take the risk when will I ever be? I need to have a business cause it's really one of my dream- to become a successful businesswoman (that's why I chose Management course in college, duh!) hahaha

Well they say "great things start from small beginnings" (Milo?) lol.. So I should start in just a simple and small step to achieve that bigger goal! Right? Right! So I am crossing my fingers, I hope this will succeed because if not, then it's KAMOTE! hehehe

Alright then, enough for now. Need to think think and think harder! Go Jacqui go!

