Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cant Let me Down

Why are there people who has nothing to do but to meddle in someone else's life?
Those who are so insecure.. Has nothing to do but criticize and judge..
I pity those people.. Why don't they just live their own life and do their own business? Instead of wasting time judging and teasing other people, why dont they just do their own thing and not to bother someone who is just doing their own thing and just being fair to life.?

I know, we cant please everybody. But we have our own rights to respect one another. If you cant do anything good to anyone, why do you have to bother someone who has nothing to do with your own life? Shame on those people!

If you want some to respect you, you better respect them first!.. Do not think that everyone can adjust to some people like you. Learn to respect one another. Dont make any noises! You are just showing that you are just a person from slum area and has attitude of a poor and stray cat!

I pity you. I pity those people who has no guts to fight back. I am not weak.. No one can ever let me down. Not for just persons like You. You are nothing to me but a Big Bully yet hopeless rude creature!

Sorry to say this, but you are nobody to be scared of! I pity you!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Heart's Day

It is Valentine's day again. Can you feel the love?.. It is everywhere..
Flowers, chocolates, balloons, cakes.. they are everywhere.. So nice to see couples walking an holding hands. You can determine that they are really in love..

Indeed, this is a special day for everyone. This is the time that couples or lovers unite. We show our love, we express it, we feel it.. I know, Love is the most wonderful thing that God made for mankind.

Love conquers all. Love is a many splendid thing they say.. Truly for me, love is so amazing.. It transforms people to become someone that they cant even imagine they would become just for the name of love.

I personally experience it right now. Because of love, everyday is a wonderful day. I feel appreciated, loved, caressed.. Everyday is a happy day. There is no reason to be sad and lonely cause you know in you heart that there is someone who can stand by you in times of trouble. That is the power of love. It really make us feel happy, contented, appreciated.

So dont be afraid to fall in love. It is a chance in a lifetime. Never spoil it. And when you feel you are in love.. treasure it, feel it, hold it like you never want to let go of it. It is just once in a lifetime to fall for a person that you really deserve. Dont ever let it go...